Metaphor Space embodies my fervor for speculative literature and translation, alongside the investment of my leisure hours and, admittedly, those untimely late-night cups of coffee.
Certain science fiction, fantasy, and horror short stories or novelettes I delve into spark the desire to breathe life into them for Farsi speakers. This endeavor is crafted so that those inclined to this literary realm and a preference reading in Farsi (Persian) can relish the experience to the fullest.

Metaphor Space embodies my fervor for speculative literature and translation, alongside the investment of my leisure hours and, admittedly, those untimely late-night cups of coffee.
Certain science fiction, fantasy, and horror short stories or novelettes I delve into spark the desire to breathe life into them for Farsi speakers. This endeavor is crafted so that those inclined to this literary realm and a preference reading in Farsi (Persian) can relish the experience to the fullest.
The online landscape isn’t particularly favorable to indulging in lengthy narratives, and my patience for translating extensive works is limited. Thus, I focus on short stories, novelettes, and occasional book introductions. There’s a possibility that I’ll venture into unveiling or condensing longer narratives in the future.
However, this platform isn’t solely dedicated to translated pieces. I intend to weave together contributions from Persian speculative writers as well progressively.
Now, why did the appellation “Metaphor Space” resonate with me? The impetus behind this choice emanates from an impactful passage within Ursula K. Le Guin’s seminal prologue to “The Left Hand of Darkness”:
“All fiction is metaphor. Science fiction is metaphor. What sets it apart from older forms of fiction seems to be its use of new metaphors, drawn from certain great dominants of our contemporary life—science, all the sciences, and technology, and the relativistic and the historical outlook, among them. Space travel is one of these metaphors; so is an alternative society, an alternative biology; the future is another. The future, in fiction, is a metaphor.”
In honor of this passage’s profound influence on this site’s inception and nomenclature, I’ve included the translated prologue as the inaugural piece. I wholeheartedly endorse immersing yourself in the book—it’s an exceptional work offering an intriguing perspective!
“Metaphor Space” is, and will remain, a not-for-profit digital haven and a personal pursuit that satiates a part of my soul. I aspire for its content to harmoniously complement the limited array of other Farsi literary platforms and satisfy the readers.
Recognizing the significance of copyright, I conscientiously approach authors to secure permission to translate their creative works. Nonetheless, accessibility to all authors isn’t always seamless, and there are instances when specific stories possess an undeniable allure. Consequently, if you happen upon your creation featured on MetaphorSpace and find yourself discontented, please connect me via editor [at] Your concerns will be promptly acknowledged, and regrettably, the material in question will be instantly withdrawn from the website.
All the images on the website, including the featured images of the stories and some of the impressions of the authors and translators (not their real photos provided by them or their agents), are created by AI software, including and
* You may submit your short story to be translated into Farsi (Persian) and published on MetaphorSpace. For the foreseeable future, MetaphorSpace only accepts works in English.
* The stories can be in any subgenre under the speculative fiction umbrella.
* Please submit your work using the Shunn Standard Manuscript Format (Modern or Classic). Your manuscript should be in MS Word-readable file format.
* The maximum word length is a firm 10,000 words.
* Your contribution is a noble act. However, MetaphorSpace cannot compensate you due to its not-for-profit nature.
* As mentioned above, all images for the stories are created by AI.
* By submitting your story to MetaphorSpace, you permit us to translate, prepare, and publish it according to MetaphorSpace’s schedule and guidelines.
Please send your stories or messages to
Amir Sepahram
Founder & Editor